Pirate map 5-3

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by kingchoolar, Jan 25, 2014.

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  1. hi all

    what do u guys think about better rules on the pirate maps like dont shoot people on 5-3 or u get - honor points or u got a ban for a few days or a big zone where people cant fire on other companys but this rules only in the map 5-3. so people can hunt on map 5-3 because irritating when you got killed when u are at pally.

    please comment what u think about this ideas ??
    PuckerUp and ={BEW.BEN}= like this.
  2. Where does it say 5-3 isn't like all the other maps - a PvP map? Just because it has the mist which has palladium ore, it doesn't mean no-one isn't allowed to hunt in there. Plus there isn't/shouldn't be a rule for that map. If it was to be a 'safe' zone, then i'm sure there would be some sort of protection there, which there isn't. So, all in all, i think 5-3 is fine how it is, and shouldn't be changed.
    When you choose to go into 5-3, you should know you're going in there at your own risk.
  3. Stop moaning, hunting in 5-3 is one of the most fun parts of the game. There is no escape so you enter a fight and you can't leave. Pally is valuable for building GGs with minimal effort so obviously there has to be some sort of disadvantage of it, and that is the fact that you can get shot in 5-3. All this rubbish about there being some sort of "NAP" with enemies in pirate maps is complete and utter rubbish...

    If they updated the battlemaps to make more people go there possibly by giving high-reward daily hunting quests in 4-1 4-2 4-3 and 4-4 I would MUCH rather go there like old days, but until then the only places to hunt are uppers and 5-3. Not much of a choice.

    >>Which is why I have now posted this idea here.<<
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2014
  4. Einstein

    Einstein User

    You complaining cause you get poped when doing pally ? well dont pally then simple:D.

    5-3 is like anyother map no rules pop or be poped .

    its like saying having special rules for x7 maps and others when doing npcs :) it aint going to happen.
    kingchoolar likes this.
  5. ok einstein ur right if seen u in a wile u are einstein 58 or 68 right and ur pet name was steiny
  6. free players these days wanting everything easy, geez
    ŴДƦЯÏØЯ™_12$ likes this.
  7. burkey

    burkey User

    Nope, bad idea. 5-3 is not a company specific map, the pally gives you an advantage as its giving you gate spins which produces ammo and eventually leads to havoc/hercs/LF4, so an enemy will want you not to have that advantage...!
  8. NoSkill$$

    NoSkill$$ User

    5-3 is a map like one other... So this means you are able to shoot own company, enemies, aliens or collect palla..
    If you want to play easy, then this is the easiest way: quit the game.

    If you're lucky you can collect palla for hours, if bad luck you got shot every 5 minuts. This is just the way it is..
  9. Dark Orbit has already made their intentions clear. Look at the new quests, there is a quest to destroy 10 enemies in 5-3. It's pretty clear that this map is NOT meant to be a picnic area, but a killing field. A lot of players choose to honor a no shoot policy, but that is a choice, not a mandate, and it should be that way.
    burkey and Bounty_Hunter_of_Eic like this.
  10. This idea has been played out. Everyone acts so surprised when you shoot them down in 5-3.. it's simple go in ready to fight. It's a pvp map just like any other...
  11. Either that or go play a game like Farmerama
  12. I must ask, how many Galaxy Gates have you built from Palladium alone? I'd hardly call it minimal effort. It eats up a large amount of time, and defending yourself from Pirates and other players can be a massive effort on its own.
  13. they really need to fix pirate maps entirely, it is complete crap, extremely laggy, pally maps are a disaster full of hunters and it takes a long time to get pally, npcs have retarded abilities that screw up pvp battles and completely change the course of a pvp battle and the mine fields are stupid they go off when you dont even touch them and are pointless, just there to slow you down from thousands of npc that follow you from the place you are leaving from, and the stupid rocks that block your path just lag you so that you completely freeze and all the npcs that you are running from catch up to you and you get shot by slow down missile and your basically screwed there. This map sucks and there is no other way to get galaxy gate spins so im forced to go to this hellish map, Space ball is the only other way but that isnt even worth it with all the port sitters and the lag.
  14. The least they can do about fixing this disaster of a map is atleast make is so 5 pally is 1 gg spins that would atleast make pally not takes as long
  15. nopes dont like this and 5-3 is basically a pvp and map and its gives gge so it needs to be hard not like people go afk there and let pet collect pally
    the way it is now i like it

    i have build 15 gates from pally 12 zeta 1 alpha 2 lamda
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 26, 2014
  16. If you don't like it don't pally then!

    I used to pally but found it terribly boring but never found it difficult. It took no effort whatsoever, just click click click click click click ... but if that is difficult for some then that's a bit odd but ok....
  17. Says the one who's part of the company that completely dominates the pirate maps. :p
    PuckerUp and hellseeker685 like this.
  18. I NEVER hunt in 5-3.....But it's fine that people do , especaly with the new missions. I've gone from sub-FE, to 3/4 UFE from pali, and yeah I get shot down, but who cares, it happens.

    PS: Chear up, as soon as the Hunters have done all the new 5-3 pvp missions, the popping will go down some :)

    PPS : To the OP , were you around in 5-3 before the cargo loss update?? When 5-3 first opened, you LOST 1/3 or a 1/4 of your pali on EVERY pop...just like regular cargo...Imagine those days..The farmers have it EASY now , and I'm one of the farmers.
  19. As many have already stated, why would anyone allow their enemy to get stronger without earning it? The ones that really annoy me are the guys/gals that whine about getting popped while collecting pally afk, if you dont have the time to actually play the game dont login. I am glad that DO has put out quests to hunt the pirate maps as this should let everyone know that all maps are pvp maps and you should expect to be attacked by red dots.

    And for those that feel DO owes them something, you are wrong. DO has given you a way to build gates for free and now that isnt good enough you want the players to leave you alone so you can get stronger without putting in the work or the money to do so. These players probably still live at home and have everything given to them without having to earn it, in real life and video games nothing is given to you, you must do something to earn it.
    Bounty_Hunter_of_Eic likes this.
  20. Below are the Words of those of US that .. Joined, Worked or Played Hard to Get where we are Today.. Even many of us Built our Accounts to a Point for FREE..

    But the GAME has Changed and so have those that play..

    When most of us started this Game, the Enemy would RAID Maps X-1.. with Ruthless undiscriminating.. Power, as they were ==> Level 16: 163.840.000 Exp, Access to Maps X-1 on enemy territory. We were Nothing but Easy kills just a one shot to Pop.. as we Boxed for hours trying to find enough Uri to get a couple of lf-3s and bo2s so we could hunt for Devos..

    It is a Choice to Shoot Red ships or NOT in the Pirate maps, Dark Orbit is ( Not ) like Real Life, in that.. If You as a Young Impertinent Person and Trash Talks an Ill mannered, Tall, Buffed Cage Fighter.. Expect to get mauled or Broken.. fortunately Not all in the GAME.. Hunt in Pirate maps.. Suggesting it might get the Attention of One of Our Server's Cage Fliers and They might just Cause you to lose a Repair Credit, If you are gonna be AFK.. are you NOT doing the Same a those that Bott..

    just a thought..

    my Personal choice.. to Hunt in Pirate map or NOT is Mine to Make or Take AWAY..

    Yes we Want you to Earn your Wings, keep Building when You get to Level 20.. Hope you still feel the Way you do now.. and Try to make a Difference on your Server..

    Until then.. Keep a Close Watch on your Drones as you " Tally your Palli "
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2014