Pointless Captcha making it impossible to use the game website

Discussion in 'Technical Issues' started by Beerson, Dec 15, 2022.

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  1. Beerson

    Beerson User

    I've been getting this nonsense captcha since yesterday when sending dispatch, but today I tried to look at my Galaxy Gates record to see exactly how many Zetas (17?) I've completed only to receive 7 havocs (3 are guaranteed from 2 gates) and every time I get to Gates completed - Zeta to start searching, I get captcha that resets me back to default page

    Whoever implemented this, for the sake of this game and it's remaining players, fire that person immediately.

    (and before anyone writes this is to prevent bots, think for a second)
  2. Excessive

    Excessive User

    Agreed, this new capture needs it's algorithm reset/adjusted - After getting it multiple times I tried counting to 5 between clicks while doing dispatches - Still got a capture...

    Poorly implimented things like this is what drives the few legit players left away from the game...
    aso_pika likes this.
  3. LOL.....you have to prove you are not a bot to view your stats but the trains roll on stronger than ever.
  4. too scared to do despatch at the moment as the stupid thing will log me out once for collecting them and then it logs me out AGAIN for sending them!!!!
    baffles me who works for these companies as I've never played a game so badly managed as this one.
    jayherbo likes this.
  5. SirThrills

    SirThrills Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello, the issue with excessive captchas has been reported, please be patient while it is investigated.

    Closing as another thread exists for issue
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