Pusat Plus or other?

Discussion in 'General Issues' started by =[sputnik]=, Apr 15, 2024.

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  1. Hi there,

    After a lot of grinding, I'm finally ready to get my first plus ship, yay! :cool:

    It goes without saying it took a lot of time to get the necessary resources, so I want to make sure I don't regret my choice.

    I believe Pusat Plus is the most suitable for my play style - I'm more of a hit and run kind of player, rather than trying to hold my ground against (stronger) attackers. Funny thing is, I don't even have a Pusat! There was a time I used to fly Tartarus, but the low HP of the Pusat has always put me off. That is fixed with Pusat Plus, which combined with the speed and fire power, makes it my number one choice.

    Any thoughts on this ship? Am I overlooking any flaws? Do you think I should be considering other plus ships?

    It would be nice to hear from Pusat Plus pilots - is the speed sap skill as good as it sounds? Do you have any regrets?

    Thanks in advance for any feedback, guys!
    Seraphim and jayherbo like this.
  2. jayherbo

    jayherbo User

    Goliath Plus< I was going for the Pusat but had monster mods for the Goliath, check your mods first:)
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2024
    =[sputnik]= likes this.
  3. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    Pusat Plus user here

    If you don't have mods for it, look out for the stable VP01 mods from Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday first time completion bonuses from Delta/Epsilon/Zeta/Kappa gates. Those will be easy starter mods. My biggest regret with it was not getting those mods early on and suffering without any mods for a while.

    Pusat Plus still has less HP than most Plus ships, including Spearhead Plus. Herc/Spartans/Hydra make up for missing a good HP mod, but remember you won't last long in a fight if your opponents hit hard.

    Speed Sap is great but has limitations. It sort of nullifies slow debuffs. I'm not sure if it's like Lightning in that regard which can't be slowed during the ability. If you target an alien and the alien dies before the 10 secs then the ability stops. It's useful if you're chasing a fast enemy (ability -> switch to moth/drill while they're slowed), or escaping a fast enemy, or want to fast travel through a map.

    The passive ability is nice, but because it's small and unpredictable I'd say it's not worth considering most of the time. Interestingly, it can proc on mines.

    I'd say look at your other mods first. Spearhead Plus is underrated. It has more HP and decent abilities. +5% speed (either from a mod or wheel formation) can make it faster than Pusat Plus' base speed. Goli Plus gets +5% to DMG/HP/Evasion and stuff from having your pet at heat level 5. Those stats boosts means that even without a mod it's got an edge over other Plus ships. It's also decently fast, and there's a stable mod to give it +5% speed from Agatus Event occasionally (SPC-SPD01). Solace Plus also shares this mod and is generally great because there's a decent NPC dmg mod for it from certain events (DMG-NPC01) to get you started, and the ability's helpful everywhere.

    None of those ships are slow.

    Solaris Plus is a bit slower, but great for crowd control. Helpful for missions. It gets +3% DMG for every type of mod equipped, so even 4 bad mods means it gets +12% DMG. Possibly a great choice for PVE if you don't have Orcus. I made one last night as my second Plus ship. Would have gone with Spearhead Plus or Solace Plus otherwise, based on my mods.

    Hope that helps
    =[sputnik]= likes this.
  4. Thanks for the replies, guys, very helpful stuff!

    I haven't really explored unstable modules that much, and the few that I have don't go in the ships I want. I have nothing for Pusat Plus or Goliath Plus. I'm also not a big pet user, so I wouldn't really take advantage of the Goli's benefits unless I changed the way I play.

    I have decent stable modules for Tartarus, Hammerclaw (which I don't have) and Diminisher (no plus version, and not my favourite ship either). It's actually tempting to go for Tartarus Plus - with the possibility of adding 2 hydras (still working on getting my first, though) it would be a fast flying fortress! But, at this point in the game, I feel I should prioritise my offensive capability, so I'm not very keen on sacrificing 25% of fire power to get top speed.

    I'm not sure whether you can stack different damage modules on the same configuration - I assume so, can anyone confirm? But that would be one way to recover some lost fire power on the Tartarus Plus. It would still be below what I could get on a Pusat Plus, and getting those damage modules might take a while (not to mention that second hydra).

    So, it seems Pusat Plus it will be - I'll ponder it a few more days, but I'm definitely getting something by the end of the week!
  5. test020

    test020 User

    the "new" rocket launchers extra stats don't stack, also tartarus plus damage reduction is said to be terrible in all aspects that a regular tartarus is better, similar to spectrum plus.

    modules work on a color basis, you can't have two red modules for instance and plus ships can equip all colors without the need for you to ditch one, there's also the whole damage subset that is meant to dilute rolls, laser/rocket damage and overall damage...

    many plus ships are seen as collector items on the discord because they don't offer anything beyond what a goliath plus or citadel plus can offer especially with modules that you can get on battlepass boxes every bp event.

    one can argue they have their applications like spearhead plus and the neutralizing marker reducing shield absorption by 50% but that goes out of the window when you are missing every two shots on a goli plus with evasion module or when your damage gets reduced by 80% on a citadel plus using prismatic shielding, it's just the way it is.
    =[sputnik]= likes this.
  6. The new rocket launchers do stack just wanted to correct that!!!
    Seraphim and =[sputnik]= like this.
  7. I asked about this recently and got the same answer (maybe from you?).

    In any case, if you can't stack modules of the same type, I think that pretty much settles it in favour of Pusat Plus.

    Thanks for your help, guys, I'll see you on the maps! :cool:
    Seraphim likes this.
  8. test020

    test020 User

    you can't equip same color modules unless it's a bug, some users say that hydra can stack on a citadel+ to give it 40% shield and 60% hp, the only one that "wouldn't stack" in a way is triskelion because of the 75% cooldown ability cap.
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2024
  9. I have citadel plus with both triskelion rocket launchers and have 100% cooldown with b-01 and b-02 cooldown boosters.
    Come to your own conclusion for those who doubt is only because they don't have them to see it for themselves. Cheers
    This doesn't mean that there is no cooldown time as said it's capped i think but it still shows 100% and that also means they do stack.
    !,878,188 hp with one hydra and 2,253,825 with 2 hydra.
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2024
    ЯΔIĐΞN™ and Seraphim like this.