[SC] Bots and Cheats ... archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ASTRAEA, Jan 3, 2015.

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  1. i did excactly that , and yet i got banned for pushing ship kills .. these bans were not generated by the pushing script , they are just on hold , done by a moderator , why ?
    we did nothing wrong !! we just killed players and bots , until we get no rewards , worked fine before this event , and now you get banned ?

    guess its time to look for a more friendly game
  2. What methods do you have in place to currently catch people doing this? And is there a way to stop it?

    Also, are people still auto-locking? Cause I haven't seen someone use that in a long time now.
  3. Deter

    Deter Board Administrator Team Darkorbit


    It would be helpful to the purpose of the thread if everyone reads the previous posts as Vital information may have been posted to prevent the re-current posts. Please remember us Moderators are players to, however as stated in page #7 We Moderators/Admins assist the players in forums and within chat, the in-game element is left to Support and the Developers. There is no way around it, they will get caught it's just a matter of time.

  4. The thing is, the detection system blows, I don't play anymore, but I know for a fact the majority of GA1 players bot, and have done it before, and some of them are in the top ranks keeping their ranks because of the poor detection system. I've seen players bot till no end, and then DarkOrbit goes on about how they're banning the botters and so on, but these guys are still out there with their accounts. One of the reasons the game isn't worth playing, no real punishment for the major botters. Aside from the awful servers that is.

    Lets not forget about the false punishments on players who have never touched a bot before. A friend of mine got hit with the 1st stage punishment few years back and I know for a fact he never botted, his game time and growth within the game was too small for a botter, and I did things with him during the accused bot times.
  5. I don't say he did, but your friend maybe tryed something, there was [REMOVED], you will get ban after use it even on 1 secound or just login in next 7 days. I agree that detection system isn't perfect, but name one thing thats perfect, you just can't, even eggs what are perfect market product cause some people allergy even you are not perfect for sure, I know I'm not perfect, so you can't expect it from a game. Even reward system for active players who really play game isn't balanced enough, you should be able in 2-3 hours make more than bot in 24 whats not possible couse than you much be able make around 70k uridium but in low gate with 3 people each person can make max 35k uridium. If you can get more than bot just by playing you don't need to go that way. QZ gate is good u can make like 35k uridium per hour but thats just not enough to keep up with bot users, there must be buff on LOW gate or something else what can't be done by bot only by playing so active players are rewarded for time spend in game.

    I know some players using bot for get Scrap on small maps because on 4-5 from uber mordon and saimon per hour u can get only 50 whats way to low.

    As long as reward for playing isn't at least 10 times better than using bot people will still use it. Keep in mind that on small maps bot can make around 6k per hour, so show me something i can make 60k by playing, thats possible only on empty server if you shoot cubikon with x4 ammo and jump 1-6 2-6 3-6 and all over again.

    For example Kuiper gate, got 25% chanse to get 200k bonus uridium, if it is like 75% people will go there to make uridium, yes they will go in gate but still whould be best way to make and that gate still don't have bot for finish it because of random spawn, zones and all other things, that gate should be good way to REWARD people for PLAYING game. I know you must keep reward for playing somewhere in balance between bot user and people who buy uridium but its still low and people go "cheap" way.

    On the end I got to say something, people speak about bot and people who pay for uridium like its not possible to caught them like sky is the limit, ITS NOT, you can't buy ore for new LF4 you must finish quest which is 1 per day and 1 per week you can't do more than that, 50 pilot points is max, full hercules, havoc/spartan is max, 10 drones is max, on the end you as major got same power as general only difference is rank what in PVP isn't important at all, you can get some power as he and beat him.
    Last edited by moderator: Jun 9, 2017
  6. Notorious

    Notorious User

    On the topic of third-party software, I know several users that will have this question. As we know, Section 8 of the ToS for Dark Orbit state in clear terms that "Use of non-authorized software or scripts;" is prohibited/illegal. While there are many third-party scripts that are rightfully prohibited and any use of them are and shall be punished; there are also some very helpful scripts such as the ones that allow us to build galaxy gates with ease, and also a useful hangar tool that allows for the quick configuration of configs for your ship; such as saving/storing configs that can easily be applied (funnily enough this is something that the user base has been asking for for years and it took an external developer to do it?).

    My question is, these scripts are most likely unauthorized for use - however as they do not alter stats of bring unfair advantages to the game, can they be used without users having to fear for bans?

    If they are still prohibited, I highly recommend to the "higher-ups" of Bigpoint (i.e OP32) to try to get in contact with these developers to either authorize their scripts game or ask for consultation as both of the tools I have mentioned work absolutely perfectly.
  7. One by one,
    gg tool is third party script, if Darkorbit wanted to give you option click gg that way they would do it as basic option GG but this how is now 1, 5, 10, 100 click and use multi random is luck, usually gg part or multiplier come in pair as 1-1, 1-0-1 or 1-0-0-1 (1 part, 0 ammo, xenomit...) if you can set a tool to use multiplier right after you get overall u will close gate much cheaper than other players, so its unfair adventages, its hard to do it by hand if you click 1 by1 because galaxy gate screen is so so so so slow and for click lets say 1 kappa gate you need around 60min to do and do it by clicker sounds unfair because you didnt spend any secound on it. Clicking by system like is now you must spend more uridium in gate, whats the point in eyes of darkorbit to keep game balanced and I support it.

    it looks good.
    Only good thing about it is that it looks good. 10 favorit is ok, you don't really need more, but you should be able use same laser, shield, drone design, pet protocol, pet gear and unusable extras. They should make 1 more line for usable cpu as it is jump cpu, cloacking, antivirus, drone repair cpu and it can be on only 1 ship at time.
    On this way you will be able prepare every ship for fight, galaxy gate, npc farm, whatever you wanna use it and just activate it.
    Move everything from Solace to Cyborg, from Cyborg to Aegis or Hammer is really hard specially if you have lags and take a lot of time.
    By chaning it this way you will not need any third-party script and everything will be legal.
  8. The whole point is they've had several years and plenty of opportunity to change it, and they haven't. That is a suggestion that they don't want to change it. As these products work fine, might as well try to just add them in or allow the use of them if moderated by Bigpoint.
  9. The gg tool does not alter it. It just clicks on uses x2 multiplier as soon as it's available. The only thing, it's faster. I don't know why BP didn't come up with their own. And regarding bans for it, in their twitch Baracus said it was very low priority, so don't expect bans any time soon
  10. As soon as it's available its 1-1 , when you click 5 by 5 with a hand and use multi instant, from first 5 you can get multi from first click and that its use multi after 4 more clicks, or any other combination, so its pure luck but with tool u got better chanse close it faster if you keep to use same method of clicking gg.
  11. You can do the same by hand. It is just boring and more time consuming. Nothing game breaking there
  12. Exactly, if you can do same by hand why would you use tool, its adventage for you if other people don't use it.
  13. The only advantage is not being bored to death while spinning gates
  14. What the hell. This bot on the 2-7 map started running before I even got close to them, these bots are getting really advanced in staying alive against hunters.

    Switching to wheel and running before you're even in range of them.

    DO what you gonna do about this?
  15. lol same as they always do, Nothing, its a proximity warning, and theve been doing it for months now.
  16. idk if you can read, but it was said a few posts ago by a mod that the programs change over time to try and prevent or avoid being detected. I'm assuming thats why they have adapted to changing to wheel formation. And SolidEye said that the detection system has to be improved upon so that it will detect the new and updated programs.

    So while we guess DO is doing nothing maybe it just takes time to keep updating the scripts?
    ▼Iron_Mongrel▼ likes this.
  17. I full agree with you. DO got hard job, if bot is done really well only way they can caught play if by entering on they PC and see that bot actually running, by the law they can't do it so as long as they don't found minor fail in bot they can't punish them. For example shooting npc always on same range by bot, its easy to caught couse u always spin on same range whats impossible by hand but as you see bot duing random movement and they must found other way to say for sure thats bot.

    @ß•ζ•ø•d•γ[SWE] on the minimap you see when you are not even in range by different color red point and know that enemy coming for you and you just change in wheel and run on other side, simple, you can't say for sure is it bot or not.
  18. It's funny. How can a person play dark orbit for 7 days straight without a break.... hmmmmm... they should have some kind of log in code that should be used every 6 to 8 hours. That would help .... perhaps... but, then they would find another way to play for a month at a time....There are a lot of players using bots... It should not be that hard to find them. Check players results..... how long have they been logged in and what are they getting..... It takes time and time. They have different ideas of what is important. Personally, I feel they should fix some of the issues with the game then work on bots.....I love the game . Hope they move it forward and make the lags go away. Keep up the great work... results are what is important. Lets get better results for the game and the players will come back. thanks for staying with the game... its still fun....
  19. I play this game for a long time and I'm used to lags but new players aren't, when you look minimal what you must have its enough for maybe 10 fps, I play game on 30fps most of time but the fact that loading of hangar and after you use click in GG take a year to load is really annoying. If they fix gg screen that it give you instant what you get like was before and can click without lag 1 by 1 ppl would not use any tool for clicking gg. It take like 3 sec for ammo, rockets, exenomit everything but multiplicator or gg part, when you get it you can click instant again.
  20. are you having a laugh they are botting, there in the maps 24hrs a day,as soon as an enemy gets anywhere near them they run to port, jump through , jump back and sit on port until the enemy goes away then they go back to shooting npc's, ive sat and watched them, if you drop a mine on them , they do exactly the same thing.
    and this has been going on for months.
    get rid of botters, use a downloadble client. botters gone, its really hard.
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