[SC] Bots and Cheats ... archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ASTRAEA, Jan 3, 2015.

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    i agree^ time to step up to the plate and get shut
  2. Deter

    Deter Board Administrator Team Darkorbit


    As we have stated before, those users must be detected by the scripts, a process which is fair for everybody. We can gladly say that a downloadable client has been mentioned, but it will be put off until next year or after the developers put the final touches and come out with server merges as stated in their recent twitch stream.
  3. AVIT

    AVIT User

    bring on the download ,ive being saying that for yrs ....
    you do know that downloads can be modified though right ?

    having said that.

    why are all the triple AAA games on download only ..its coz a browser game is a losing battle against cheats ...

    Another thing is when they did it dark orbit reloaded ..in their unwise wisdom they kept with flash lol .. they could have used HTLM if they wanted to use a browser BASED GAME STILL .
    Last edited by moderator: Jul 12, 2017
    PuckerUp likes this.
  4. its clear dark orbit dont care and the fact your scripts are a pile of donuts ,says to rest of players its ok to do all u lot do is dig self a hole scripts nar its lag its really bout time u stopped feeding us such crap we are not edoits..sadly u are destroying a grt game threw your greed and players see this as a free chance to play free cause u the daftys ..server merge waste time unless bots removed get a ruddy scripts which works .rules you break em all its a joke bye.
    OILDAILY likes this.
  5. More people on map, more bot hunters = less uridium gain with bot, if he drop from 5k to 2k per hour risk to get ban not wurth it couse in less than 2 hours in low gate with 2 friends each of u make 50k ur and no risk of ban.


    try refractions for scripts its a joke trust me
  7. wanted to add to this note a little fairy has said they have tracked every user using in gb1 ,in couple months they will recieve a ip bann ,meanwhile allow them to carry on as busy with merge and som other plans to combat new and other botts >>>i pray this is true ..i want my friends to come back and game to be fun again like use to be ..fingers toes knees crossed


    hope this little fairy isnt having you and the rest of the legit players on ^^
  9. Solid_Eye

    Solid_Eye Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    The punishment when detected is the account is terminated. "IP Bans" aren't necessarily a part of this, and are not always as effective as some may believe.

  10. And good riddance to them! The problem seems to be recently that they aren't being detected by the scripts. I play late at night and see a heck of a lot of NPC botters including some high ranked players that seem to be cheating with impunity - I even see some of them on social media boasting about their ill-gotten gains. Months go by and they still aren't banned, it is getting harder to find an NPC for a quest that isn't already being shot by one.

    A few months ago I filled in a survey from Bigpoint that specifically asked "Would you leave the game because of botters?" I replied no, because I'm clearly still here but if these cheats continue to prosper at the expense of legit players like myself I would like to revise that answer. How can someone with a real life who plays for a few hours a day make any progress if there are bots running 24/7? The mere fact that the question was asked in the survey is worrying as in it makes me wonder if they have given up...
  11. Please, we have all known that some players are immune. There is a player on East 1 whose ship has been shared so much [removed - politics not permitted]

    We caught that player pushing during the first pirate event and were rebuffed by support. We caught him botting and were told the script would get him. We had people laughing in our TS FLYING the ship (he is foreign and having English speaking folks responding is a red flag) Its funnier when they openly say something in the chat. But hey he spends money on the game so no ban.

    Pay attention to ship names in the top 100. Some have changed sexes several times. So the rules only apply to some of us. Its not effectively enforced nor is it even remotely even. You want to really feel good wait till you figure out who are mods and admins on your server. Then realize you are playing against folks who have more options available to them than you do.

    ***Don't even try I know what happened to the jackpot battle***
    Last edited by moderator: Jul 14, 2017
  12. Well here we go this is my opinion of DO. They allow booters for whatever reason i am not sure, you say let the bot detection find them well here is my problem. Check my account and look at how much money i put into DO. I wouldn't be as mad as I am now if a legit player was going to take over my General Rank or my #1 rank but this is not the case. Both vru General and me mmo General are gonna loose our rank to a clan of botters. They are making 200k rank a day during the week while their accounts are botting 24/7. Not only that but everyone else see's that you do nothing about these botters that almost everyone in GA3 is botting 24/7. You tell use you can't detect them we have to wait and i know you understand our frustration "please don't make me laugh". it's funny you say you don't know who they are but i have been playing DO 5 years now and i was here when you banned all the botters in like 2013 and i remember there was nobody playing the maps were empty, But you did it and look now there are a lot of players back again. DO needs to do that again cause i am sick of the fact i get nothing from DO for being a legit players.Wait i do get something , i get no event boxes anymore i get lowered payout for killing aliens now but you know to make up for that you can purchase some uridium we will give you a little more that will make up for everything. Well sorry it doesn't work for me anymore, the owners of DO only care about lining their pockets and that's it. That's my opinion and thanks for making my gaming ex. in DO a joke and I say that cause it is DO doing this cause it's DO that refuses to ban the botters. Same thing when the new ships came out the players that abused a glitch got a slap on the hand like a 1 year old child would, big deal you think that stopped them taking some honor and xp away from them well the laugh is on you cause now those same players just bot to get that back.
    Blue~Lazer and Rossi like this.
  13. Just to add my thoughts on this:
    Simply WOW at the number of players that bot their way to high ranks/full spartans/cyborgs etc. I cannot believe how many players I encounter on each and every day that I play who NPC/box bot 24/7/365; I've seen so many 1 star + players on my server who bot all the time and nothing is being done on the matter.
    Now I was not here in 2013 when the aforementioned "purge" of bots has happened so I cannot comment much on that but judging by other players' opinions on it I'd be more than pleased if that happened now because I really believe we need it more than ever (I can't stand cocky players who got what they wanted in such an unfair way)
    Update: LOL some of the players that I've seen bot are actually on this thread, probably laughing at the rest of us and the DO team itself, that's really sad
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2017
    PSKSUNDANCE and Rossi like this.
  14. batata

    batata User

    I realy dont know what is your problem with botters. Lets face it, there is no other way to achive ufe in reasonable amount of time for free. I misself dont bot but i have no problems with them, they never broked my gameplay (contrary to ufes). I think u just hate bots bc they get for free what u paid/played for but remenber no one forced u to do so in the first place. The only thing bots afect is bugpoint money income (not exactly since some of them buy doubler) wich is not your consern.
  15. Apparently some players don't understand rules i guess there in place to be broken. And if DO thinks the bots are ok just give it to me in writing and i am gonna be the next free player who thinks you should be able to be UFE in the same time as a paid player would be.
  16. There is nothing more annoying than seeing a bot coming and shooting something out from under you. They are very sophisticated as they can target a mordon, or any other npc that you are sitting on and take it out while you are there. I thought it was just one clan on my server doing it but now I see a second clan.

    I have watched the latest Twitch stream and understand there are legalities to handling this type of thing but feel, much like most that don't like them in the game, that someone should fly through the maps to witness first hand and ID those that are breaking the rules. Accusing, ie naming players and clan's names, is not permitted but short of that some police ships coming through to investigate problems may be in order. I am sure the scripts checker is good but also think it is possible that the latest bots may simply run on the players computers working like a mouse and control button while able to tell where the targets are. I am no programmer by a long shot but understand something about them must be detectable. I don't care if the players also pour in tons of cash, if they bot, they need to go.

    Is this game a marathon, yes. Does it get monotonous, definitely. However, even the player that starts in 5 min should advance faster than I do if they are playing the normal game and with that, they should be more than happy.

    What exactly is a reasonable amount of time? 2 years, 4? I have been playing 5 years and only have the LF4's to fill an ambassador if you count the new style ones on my main. This is a game of time and patience. A lot of time and a lot of patience. If your not paying cash, you should be ready to spend some time. I play daily, enjoy my play time, and log when I have to do other things. It gives me joy to advance on both and I can do it without the extra illegal activities.
    Blue~Lazer and badwon[spt] like this.
  17. I think everyone's point is this, just like me, honest players who built their account with time and money feel cheated. I chose not to cheat 5 years ago and the slap on the wrist the cheats got infuriated myself and the other honest players. (however few they actually are, idk)

    I'm 47 on the server and quit paying , even for premium. I've been down to logging in just for loading up seprom, idk why I even do this.
    Probably because i wasted a couple grand over the years on this and can't let go.
  18. batata

    batata User

    Ok let me focus on this part.
    "I have been playing 5 years and only have the LF4's to fill an ambassador if you count the new style ones on my main"
    U are one of those players that doesnt like to rush the things, u go to the game u do your thing and u log out and u do so because it is pleasent: "I play daily, enjoy my play time, and log when I have to do other things. It gives me joy to advance on both and I can do it without the extra illegal activities"
    Now the thing is, if u do enjoy what u do in the game why whould u care if someone used a bot to do the same thing? Its like u enjoy planting carrots or something, because it is relaxing. Why do u get mad at someone that uses machines to do the same thing but in much larger scale? I guess u would be mad if u had to compete with that person to sell the carrots afterwards, lets discuss that:
    Imagine u are one of those old DO players that enjoyed doing pvp. Before geting the gear needed to do that was pretty easy but now u need a tremendous amount of boring farming to be able to compete. Moreover u must do that while being riped by noob ufes. Its easy to understand why people use bots and srsl i cant get mad at them for doing so. Look i dont bot, but i would if i wiched to become max level an play hardcore mode because doing machine like work for 7 years or so or spending a toon load of money is a nono for me when it comes to dedication towards a game.
    Now let me talk about the reasonable time thing. I would not bother that it took 20 years or even forever to get the equipment IF there was a system that prevented far stronger people to do unfair gameplay towards u. As there is none its my opinion that said equipment should be obtained in a relativly short amount of time because u need it in order to play properly. That being said i put the "reasonable time" in 6 months for an active free player and 2-3 months for a dedicated paid player. Yes im fine with paid users geting things faster but there are some limits that DO surpassed by a long shoot.

    I myself dont feel cheated by bots but again i dont care about becoming "competitive" (there are things however that do make me feel realy cheated). I do understand why harcore players do get mad but i whanted u to consider the botters point of view also instead of right away shooting them.
    Anyway, what kind of actual beneficts do u see to the game if they ban bots? Sure paid users will be happy and stuff but will the game get fundamentaly better? I dont think so. Baning botters may make some players feel happy but it wont fix the reason why u dont play any more, the reason bots bot nor the reason new player leave. Baning boters will just make the game empty ,nothing more. Now, fixing the reason why those players cheat, i think, will be much more efective than any script or ban wave u can come up with.
    Just my opinion.
    neoonoma likes this.
  19. "Will banning bots improve the game?"

    Bots were completely obliterated a few years ago, and everyone actually fought fair for rank and for fighting and it was actually fun with all of the quality-of-life updates like the new HUD, third hotbar, etc.

    Now when you look at how many people bot and how many people cheat, it's insane. The bot-to-player ratio is absurd, nearly half of the players in each server power bots all week and does Hades gate the entirety of their Sunday and skyrocket their rank and get this new equipment in a matter of weeks. And the people who actually pay to play the game still have difficulty trying to get these new resources to build this new equipment.

    Now look at this game. Nobody from years ago plays anymore, especially my server on USA East 3. The amount of people who quit is insane and the people who took their place are foreigners from other servers who take over the maps during the day while we're working irl and we get the scraps at nighttime.
    Blue~Lazer likes this.
  20. To sum it up, if the machine I am competing with is a player who buys uri and the like during helix or whatever other time it comes out allowing them to have the stuff today while I have to wait a few years to get it is one thing. But if the machine is a bot that shoots everything you try to shoot and then takes off like a rabbit to the port when you shoot something near them, its something else. When players shoot something near you or me at least, they will help me with a kill or two also. These bots zap everything around you like they saved you from death. They show no consideration to what you are trying to accomplish yourself. UFE in 6 months is hard core. I would think they would have something else to do in that time as well.
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