Server issue's

Discussion in 'Technical Issues' started by AVIT, Nov 28, 2023.

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  1. AVIT

    AVIT User

    Apart frm the geneneral lost connection / cant login problems we have been experiencing this last 6 months .

    Hs anyone thought ,maybe the ships we are flying accouts are abit mixed up too ! .

    I t would explain alot of the problems .
    i have all upgraded lasers lvl20 .but i mlt and hit like a fairy .. its as if my ships is a noob with lf3 .

    Today also a mate of mine tried to login and when eventually he could ogin ,he was on a completely different account on a diffrent server !!

    Some things is seriously amiss with the servers and the whole of everyone's rank points .

    i see guys that were permanantly banned an the big wave ban returned to our server in ge5
    How can that be possible ? it shouldnt be ..perhaps if they had account on another server somehow it has been place ere ,,sp seems the servers are all mixed up to me

    Devs really should look into this .

    I reckon that it should not be possible to login into different servers with the same name password ...that should be separate accounts and then there would be no confusion of servers getting mixed up with an account .

    For all i know i could be playing with a ship of my same login details on a different server with noobs equipment to what actual server i am playing with which is fully upgraded ..

    The upgrades i do and have done make no difference to the ships i fly with

    ALSO i often get a message on the game screen when login "ERROR WRONG SERVER "

    Sort it out please .

    AS ITS a totall mess !!

    Do you agree ?
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2023
  2. The game is unplayable. Devs dont care, they just want quick money and mods here dont really do anything.
    bane.78 and Terror-The-Legend like this.
  3. tonka-toy

    tonka-toy User

    keep dying in gates because of these lost conns ,lost an eternity gate on first wave on sunday d o wont replace it or credit the cpu ,,anyone paying for anything other than prem is a fool
    bane.78 and Terror-The-Legend like this.
  4. skeggy1

    skeggy1 User

    Just a polite message from DO team an explanation as to what the probs are nothing to much to ask/ also this is another message that will never be read by the DO team.
    -PRICEYSID- likes this.
  5. Bombard

    Bombard User

    keep dying in everywhere because of these lost conns.
    when finally get back into the game,
    it disconnects again, and the next time when the connection is restored and you appear in the middle of the map,
    the enemy is already shooting and then I repair my things in the command center.
    The game lost its passion some time ago because of these things,and there is only a temporary fix,
    and then the same patterns again. How can DO demand a constructive discussion when things don't build anyway.
  6. AVIT

    AVIT User

    my theory is standng up ,,no ban waves published on ge5 from stats site yet ..but my rank has changed and those above me and below has altered too is not the case that they have not logged in for 30 days also .

    by rank i mean badge and it does not tie up from the positions of my previous badge the day before
    bane.78 and -PRICEYSID- like this.
  7. SirThrills

    SirThrills Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello, the team is aware of the ongoing issues related to connection problems / etc. Unfortunately we have not received any further information beyond that. We do continue to pass along feedback related to it as the spikes get worse at times.

    Closing / Connection problem related feedback
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