Server merge update

Discussion in 'Headquarters Archive' started by Deter, Mar 13, 2018.

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  1. Deter

    Deter Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Greeting Pilots!

    Thank you very much for your help with the first server merge open beta! The test went really well, but we did identify a few minor issues that we have since fixed. We would therefore like to open up the test server to the same servers (GB2 / GE5) this weekend for a 2nd round of testing. The back-ups will be made Thursday morning, and the test server will be opened up on Friday afternoon. We would like to stress that you should play the game as you normally would, and let us know about ANY issue you run into. Please us the Googleform below in order to submit feedback, and remember to include your USERID for your main account so you can receive a little reward

    *Back ups made morning 15.03 / Test server opens afternoon 16.03

    *Just to be clear, all progress made on the test server is NOT saved on your main. We are using back-ups for the test.

    Feedback Form -

    Best regards,
    Your DarkOrbit Community Team
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