Ship Customization Feedback

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by Solid_Eye, May 31, 2016.

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  1. I would find that to be a critical component. If you can't tell you have space, you may find you have no space next.
  2. Xmancode

    Xmancode User

    My 2 cents.

    1. Most of the time i use Sentinel, Surgeon, Aegis, Pusat. Which means the "new" hangar system's function to move gear from one ship to another is useless to me. I need to transfer gear manually.

    2. In the old hangar system i could max nano hull of 10 ships of same type ( like 10 Sentinels). I like to have 10 ships of same type with full nano hull ready to go.
    In the NEW hangar system i can have only 1 Sentinel with full nano hull.

    Solution: Give us the option to buy multiple ships of the same type ( like buying 10 Sentinels). Than i could select those 10 sentinels in Favorites, and i could max out Nano Hull for each Sentinel.

    Overall i like the Old hangar system better.
  3. MяF™

    MяF™ User

    I'm really confused by this update, as in, what exactly is the point of it?

    Why couldn't you just do what you did with the drones?

    - One slot/dropdown to deal with cosmetics
    - One slot/dropdown to deal with stats

    I thought the whole purpose of customization was to allow for different cosmetics whilst maintaining stats, yet i can't seem to find any way in which i can retain my surgeon stats while flying around with one of the new euro football (soccer) designs. Yet another pointless investment it seems.

    Either i'm missing something here or this update is rather redundant. All it has done is accommodated the Frozen/Expo designs at the expense of everything else, which to me, is pretty stupid.
  4. bisphenol

    bisphenol User

    Apart from creating confusion and having really questionable functionality, it also introduced the record breaking number of various problems and bugs that are still harming the players.
    But the new event have just started, despite many known bugs troubling the game as it seems the show must go on... so let's see how many new problems were introduced.
  5. Deter

    Deter Board Administrator Team Darkorbit


    Just to clarify a few points brought up here with regards to the launch of Ship Customization;

    The drone customization was much simpler as there were only 2 designs at the time and a 3rd after the Halloween event that had Stat Bonuses.

    It's a bit more complicated with Ships as some have bonuses(Veteran/Exalted to name a few), different ship skills/abilities which have completely different looks(Diminisher/Venom/Solace). So with the Ship Customization every ship that had bonuses/skills etc became their own Ship. With this done it will allow for the introduction to expand the selection and allow for new skins such as the ones released during the MASQUE ShipExpo2016 and the current Space Cup 2016 Event.

    Much more information to be seen in Dark Orbit Twitch sessions which are also on their YouTube Channel.
    Most of these Critical Issue's have been fixed as stated at the bottom of Known issues [Update 9/6/16] posted on Official Announcements. On a personal note this morning flew my ship towards a marked Clan Battle Station to check out if the CBS issue had been fixed, didn't take long before my ship got destroyed. If you see some of the fixed issue's not yet resolved we would wait after the server restart. Some of the minor issues are awaiting for a fix to be implemented soon.

    Take Care.
    The-Last-Starfighter likes this.
  6. bisphenol

    bisphenol User

    The updated known issues list states:
    as being solved, and I still haven't got back any of the ships that weren't supposed to be deleted. Even after server restart.

    Also, this is quite confusing and in contradiction:
    This issue is still listed as unresolved, and contradicts to the one above (as I had Elite designs equipped and they vanished).

    So which one has been solved? I am pretty lost in all that mess.

    Thanks in advance.

    I can confirm that I got my ships back so far on GE1 and GB1; still waiting for them on US East 1, GE6 and GE7... FWIW.

    EDIT 2:
    Now the only missing ship was Vengeance on GE7 that I recovered through auction.
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2016
  7. Neckso

    Neckso User

    how to equiped design in golith get by auction
  8. What design did you buy in auction and is it a ship or design?
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