Survey Results

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by PSK~SUNDANCE, Aug 24, 2017.

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  1. Since I have started playing, I have participated in a number of surveys that DO has emailed out. For the record, I did not fill out the special test group application since I know I don't always have the time or patience needed to do proper evaluations. However I find that when we get to a twitch, there is mention of the response to the surveys and am interested in the responses as a whole. Some questions are simple yes and no, while others ask for some thought. I recently read a post that gave thought about a question. My idea is that they post the results of surveys here in the forums for all to read. They can stay anonymous and not even give access for people to comment on them. The point is so players can see the mindset of other players. We all have ideas about different things. Not all of us can agree on any one point for one reason or another. However since this is basically our game, or made for us to play, we should be able to see where each others ideas are on the issues that DO is concentrating on. This Survey Results page would be read only for us. Anything we wish to expand on can be discussed in Speakers Forum as normal and if it follows one of the fixed threads already there, then of course we can just go there. I am sure there is a quite long report showing the results of the survey that the devs have. Some of the results are bound to be meaningful, some are probably just funny and a waste of our time to see but aside from somebody typing while on a bender, I am sure we could probably all find each others ideas thought provoking and meaningful. In the past year, we have had many changes for the good, from the team to the game itself. I feel this is inspired by the players as a whole. Its what keeps me here.
  2. Deter

    Deter Board Administrator Team Darkorbit


    We understand your concern and have forwarded the idea. We hope to have an update regarding this request.
  3. I might suggest having just the numerical responses posted with total responses received along with how many gave what value. Maybe posting some of the responses to see if others agree or not. Also, you might see a better reveal of what people feel is wrong/right about the game if they are more interactive surveys instead of just yes/no or rating questions.
  4. Peo0pl3GA5

    Peo0pl3GA5 User

    you dont always have time?
    i think you got lots of time considering your building a credit ship lvl 16.
    anyway i like your post
    PSK~SUNDANCE likes this.
  5. OP32

    OP32 Community Team Team Darkorbit


    First I'll give some details on what the surveys are used for and who by.

    Probably best to use the last game-wide survey that was done back in Febuaray as an example. This survey touched upon player opinions for potential future changes to the game, such as how would players feel about removal of 2D mode, changes to the level system, changes to the leaderboards and so on.

    The results of this survey are certainly interesting and we have referenced them in the past on twitch. It allows the team to get a better feel for the community and keep the results in mind for future ideas and general direction of the game, it was a contributing factor in the decision to completely scrap the years plans and begin the server merge process.

    However the surveys are not just made for us on the DarkOrbit team to view, they are used by Business Intelligence and various management, which means there can sometimes be reasons why the data cannot be made public.

    The other issue with making results public is that sometimes they can be very misleading and be misunderstood.
    For example, in the February survey there was a question regarding 'autoplay', essentially something that is very popular in Asian MMOs where the game will offer to play things for you for a price - sound familiar to something? The result was fairly split between positive and negative opinions.

    Then in the same survey there was a question regarding botting where the opinion was overwhelmingly negative. These two points contradict each other and would have the potential to cause some friction within the community if people were presented the results and began to think we were going to create in-game bots as a result of the autoplay opinions.

    So as a general rule survey results are rarely shared due to internal department reasons and to avoid confusion within the community and 'fear' over what changes are going to be made as a consequence of the results that people might interpret differently.

    Of course it is just a general rule and I'm sure there will be future surveys where we can share the results and have some discussions regarding them to get much more in detailed answers :)
  6. HMHY, so true.

    Trust me, I understand the confusion and fear issue. It was the entire reason for me suggesting this.

    The community will come to conclusions over what it sees, and for that matter what it does not see. The survey mentioned was a great example. In the Bot thread we get this response to it.

    I am business minded myself. I don't know how many players you send these surveys to, nor do I know how many of them read and reply to them, however all surveys give clues about the ideas stirring about.

    Trust me, I don't submit this idea as a way to pressure the game into producing anything faster. I am sure it can seem that way. If you ask a question to say 50k players and 45k say yes, the following day, and I do mean day, they are looking for it. Half of them are looking for it the same day. Not all players are realistic. A good number of players, like people in general run immature mindsets thinking it is cool and refuse to understand why something is not happening their way.

    The example of questions listed gave me a good laugh while I was completing the survey. Surveys can be physiological. When I saw autoplay, I automatically thought BOT. I am sure many of the positive replies could not make the connection. People live in a black and white world. When you are talking about Bots, you have to say Bot or they may not get it. I am sure those others that replied negative for autoplay put it together. Then when I saw the Bot question laid out there, I thought "Why are they asking us the same question twice?"

    I will not bother discussing Business Intelligence, *cough cough* upper management and BP in general (not to mention the new partners). I understand the strangle hold they place upon the workers.

    In essence it was an idea. OP32, I do appreciate the response given. Not to mention the dig, Peo0pl3GA5. :rolleyes:

    Oh and Deter, Thank You.:D

    Close when ready...
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2017
  7. Deter

    Deter Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Closing as requested.

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