Tactical Ship Guide

Discussion in 'Newbies' started by Bakjam, Jun 4, 2015.

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  1. Bakjam

    Bakjam User

    Last edited: Aug 30, 2022
  2. Im positive, the ship stats tab on client page shows your max speed when you put all engines on with promerium.
  3. All very nice, an excellent guide for noobs or curious people. However, I do not see how arrow formation or double arrow formation is better than chevron in any way :p other than that, great, but run it through spell check please? :) (no offense intended, just for simplicity)
  5. Leo only doubles the damage of lasers & capacity of shields that are equipped on the ship. It no longer effects the drones. When the Leo first came out, it doubled the damage & shields overall. Now it's just whatever you have on your ship :3
  6. I find the need for a spell check and proof read before posting is needed badly. When items have changed it would be best to edit entire post instead of just commenting in abilities section of the change. Have you considered redoing this with the NEW 3D formations included?

    My goal is to have 8 ships equipped and available for fighting so I just warp into whatever might work best for what I am doing (including P'nut for just messing around) I have the hangars and ships (except Aegis and Citadel) just need the PET stuff (waiting for level 3 stuff), guns and generators for them and then the Lightning and Pusat designs for the 2 Vengeance ships (Pheonix, Leonov, 2 Vengeance, Goliath, Aegis, Citadel, & Spearhead) I may add a 9th hangar so I could swap Goliath designs and then warp into them instead of logging in and out when away from base. Extra hangars is especially helpful if doing Pally as you can log out and change hangars instead of making long circle to exchange collected cargo.
  7. It's not a bug. The ultimate cloak is a "ship ability" and the function of a spear's JMAX EMP is to disable ANY ability.
  8. Did someone else use the EMP, or the user?
  9. this is very good, but you will have to keep editing it as things are always changing in the game.


    bakjam its very good and congratulation about 1 vs1 citadel is the best ship without running again well done
  11. Well, I have two POSSIBLE explanations for this XDXD

    1.) Could your Ult. Cloak have ran out at that precise time?
    2.)Could it be possible that an enemy spear was there at that time, and he was in Ult. Cloak when he used JMAX (Jmax has 50% chance of uncloaking you, be it ult. cloak or normal)?
  12. xuhu99

    xuhu99 User

    nothing wrong with suicide wheel spear for spaceball at least
  13. xuhu99

    xuhu99 User

    ulticloak and cloak xl does the trick, besides no drone damage in sb
  14. Deter

    Deter Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Have you tried to re-type/input the information?
    Bakjam likes this.
  15. johnblue92

    johnblue92 User

    Hi everyone, especially those who have a Cyborg.
    Can you actually transfer system from Goliath to a Cyborg and vice versa?
    Knowing that there is more slots in Cyborg, can remove those extra slot and transfer?

    Like the power of Cyborg but still Sentinel is my fav ship design :rolleyes:
    Last edited: May 11, 2018
  16. spy-girl

    spy-girl User

    O my i am impressed how much i have learn just to read this page and how much time i have saved to do that 1 big kongr,
    ta all involved ,hope you keep on this way so we newbies know where to go .(sorry if there is bad english i am from sweden)
    Love you all .
  17. murdoc01

    murdoc01 User

    no u cant transfur to another ship as it has dif slots and gens
  18. johnblue92

    johnblue92 User

    oh man then have to give up all my Goliath for the Cyborg :(