Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Magnus_Skipton, Dec 18, 2020.

Dear forum reader,

if you’d like to actively participate on the forum by joining discussions or starting your own threads or topics, please log into the game first. If you do not have a game account, you will need to register for one. We look forward to your next visit! CLICK HERE
  1. Several day no game? All the things put in at once I guess? Yet still crazy cube went.
  2. Bibulus

    Bibulus User

    Thought id keep trying but no joy
  3. I got in then jumped and it froze? Now cant log in again... Games trash, there was like 3 people on server stuck in a map.
  4. Starboy

    Starboy User

    I wonna ask, i play this game for 2 weeks now, is this "normal" that game broke so often? dont wonna waste my time if this "normal"?
  5. Bibulus

    Bibulus User

    sever 3 wont load, global will ?
  6. Deter

    Deter Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

  7. GB1 ZYNAPS. 22452999

    Please can support let me know how to download the new client to my Chromebook? The game was playable on my recently purchased and up-to-date chromebook. However, when I try to download the client nothing happens all I get is back to the Dark Orbit title page. Please I would like an answer asap...As I already emailed support and not received any reply?
  8. DarkMarsGR

    DarkMarsGR User

    Chromebooks are way too cheap to run windows... You will need a windows based machine to run the client. Browser is dead. Another one bytes the dust
  9. But everyone saying the new client is chromium ?

    And to add it says that chrome OS will work..So unclear and misleading.
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 29, 2020
  10. I have also "downloadable" client for MacOS and it's a joke lol
    Don't believe them..
  11. I can't even get into back page or the home screen. put in my log in and after few seconds goes right back to blank log in. uninstalled and reinstalled download and after 3 hours still nothing.:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
  12. Been having same problem, it may have something to do with Deluxe Rewards Calander. Apparently loads of account being banned for 14 days. tried complaining in forum, got told contact support. I actually thought the Forum was Support, my Bad...
  13. Client is awesome for me. Do you play through a proxy server?
  14. Bibulus

    Bibulus User

    What proxy server do you have
  15. Same here client works better than browser did, most of the time. No proxies here, just straight in from the normal start button.
  16. Bibulus

    Bibulus User

    Not for me game freeze and shut down
  17. i cant login from 30.12


    havnt been on for a while so you say there is a pve server ?does that meen i have to start all over again or can i use me current account regards pez
  19. Bibulus

    Bibulus User

    You have to start again