[TEI] Less drop chance after today restart

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by *ADANALI01*, May 25, 2022.

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  1. Hello, after morning restart it seems that % hitchance of drop modules/amo changed before today while openning daily I got like 5-6 modules from ~30 rare cpu. Today after restart I opened almost ~100 rare cpu and got 4 modules o_O also people saying that their drops changed and are lower than before. I dont know if this is changed intentionally or just bug after restart
  2. It's luck based, I've opened around 40 rare modules before the reset and only got 1 module
  3. I know that this is based on luck but from the begining of event till the today morning everything was "fine" right now seems that this "luck" is even lower than before and im not a only person seing this I saw posts on discords or other language forum people saying that after morning restart something changed so..
  4. People always state there has been changes, and over half of them have not logged in.
  5. SirThrills

    SirThrills Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello @*ADANALI01* ,

    Unfortunately we do not have publicly available drop rates for items, so we are unable to assist further with this request.

    Closing - Drop Rate Percentage Thread
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