Testserver opens; Eternal Gate event

Discussion in 'Event Announcements' started by Wingm8, Apr 1, 2020.

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  1. Wingm8

    Wingm8 Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello Pilots,

    We’re going to open the “Open beta” server this afternoon to test the “Eternal Gate” event on our test server. Please find here the FAQ in English: https://board-en.darkorbit.com/threads/eternal-gate-event-faq.125442/

    The test server will stay open from 1st April at 2 pm (CEST) until 2nd April at 2 pm (CEST).

    Please login here: https://test2.darkorbit.com/
    (You can also login via the server selection once the server is open)

    As soon as you login with your existing account or create a new account on the test server, you will get the following login bonus:
    • Premium
    • 20,000,000 Uridium
    • 20,000 Seprom
    • 20,000 Promerium
    • HP-BES01 ship upgrade module
    • HP-T01 ship upgrade module
    • 20 AA-1 event lasers
    • 10 AAP-1 event lasers
    • 20,000 EMAA-20 event ammunition
    • 5,000 SR-5
    • 50 Eternal Keys
    • 1x Tartarus Ship
    • 1x Cyborg Ship
    • 1x Berserker Ship
    • 1x Zephyr Ship
    • 1x Solace Ship
    • 1x Sentinel Ship

    Here’s a little list what we would like everyone to have a deeper look at:
    • Look into the balance of the Eternal Gate - are they too easy/difficult to complete, are the gate boosters too strong or too weak
    • Look into whether the new ship upgrade modules are good or too overpowered

    Your DarkOrbit Team
    мα¢88υ.к and santana like this.
  2. Oddessey

    Oddessey Team Leader Team Darkorbit

    Hello Space Pilots,

    First of all, thank you very much for testing. We could already gather a lot of feedback from our Discord feedback channel and we did some changes in the Open Beta test which will be synced today at 2 pm (CEST) to the test server.

    To be able to test those changes with you once again, the Open Beta test will be extended until 3rd April at 2 pm (CEST).
    Here’s an overview of the changes:
    • The boosters have been adapted a bit.
    • The waves in the gate have been adapted
    • The difficulty with every repeat has been raised
    • Cyborg Singularity and Demolition have had their speed and range adapted
    • It’s now possible to pass wave 257
    Your DarkOrbit Team
    TermiteFan likes this.