Support [TI] Chat Down

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Hades~Pôšëîdõn‡Tríp, Jul 10, 2016.

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  1. Okay so I am used to seeing the connection lost information in the Chat box if the chat is down. Now it shows up at the middle top of screen and in the Log list instead what is up with this?

    I am running "incognito" so there is nothing for me to delete from my history or caches as there is nothing being saved to anything. So please explain to me why I am now getting this message and NO Chat.
  2. I realise this is slightly different to what you are seeing Hades~Pôšëîdõn‡Tríp but on US1 I have 3 times over this weekend when I have logged onto the game had the window only with no tabs for Global/company/clan search etc... I relog and even without clearing cache it is fine next time... I note this only for the additional info for the Mods to pass up the line...

    It appears to me that the chat is now included on the game server where before it was a separate server (hence you could use it when logged out with only map screen to see what you wrote), so if the game is running ...
    I dont know for sure as you said ...
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2016
  3. I am having the same problem on both of my servers. I am using Maxthon browser and even after clearing browser history (which includes flash) and Java Cache restarting the computer and modem/router I have information being posted to the log file.

    I finally was able to cut and paste the information seen;

    The connection to the server was lost.

    Hopefully it is just the server down but who really knows about this stuff?


    When did they do this? It has always been stated the Chat was controlled by another part of BigPoint NOT D O and is why some people have had to report to Support to be able to get the chat working again.
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2016
  4. Deter

    Deter Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello Hades~Pôšëîdõn‡Tríp,

    Thank you everyone for assisting the user with their concern. If the occasional Clearing cache and Flash along with a re-log doesn't help. We ask that you or anyone experiencing this issue please Contact Support for further guidance and assistance with the UserID/Server for the account you are experiencing this issue on.

    Closing as referred to Support.

    -=Fly Safe and Take Care=-
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