[TI] Missing the START button

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ]Coldheart[, Jul 12, 2021.

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  1. Logged into Global America (no number has ever been associated to this since 2010, so I will assume it is Global America 1.

    Backpage comes up fine, but there is no START button.
    Unable to get to the Client page.

    Clearing cache three by way of the download client tab did not help.

    The condition seemed to be passed to GA2, however, at that point a complete logout of game and subsequent restart has seemed to clear the issue.
    Access to GA(1) was restored.

    I started this thread in case there may be need of a history of server access issue(s).
  2. Yeah I just logged in (barely do rn) and no start button. Backpage is mad buggy too.
  3. SirThrills

    SirThrills Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Howdy all, I've verified this on my end and reported the issue up the chain, @]Coldheart[ did you have any further questions or can we close?
  4. `Djurkz`

    `Djurkz` User

    After the sync I can get in, no start button, please check our server GA4, almost same as everyone problem.
  5. Bones

    Bones User

    east server has same issue
  6. This often happens to me also GA1 but I have found that if I go top left "file" select "home" and relog it seems to work. I get the start button.


    The best way to catch someone is to make them think they're chasing you
  7. ~*Pinkie*~

    ~*Pinkie*~ User

    Same issue. No start and the back page keeps pooping out.
  8. `Djurkz`

    `Djurkz` User

    Again, and again start button is gone, why is this happening almost every day? how can we play smoothly in this kind of game? It is better for you dark orbit to payback us of our ranking points for the damages you have done. wasted time.

    MACHINE User

    2 days now cant play no start option and my permium keeps running plus rebate wow thanks DO if you guys needed the money that bad just put out another useless event
  10. mxmumefort

    mxmumefort User

    will you guys please fix this damn game.... its working on three days now and i cant log in because of no start button
  11. Kasey90

    Kasey90 User

    Same here, 3 days now no start button...
  12. SirThrills

    SirThrills Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Howdy all, I've been reporting up these as you post, when you reply could you make sure to add the server you're missing your start button from, as well as your client version (ie 1.6.3)? (I've seen it's occurring on more than 1 server right now)
  13. mxmumefort

    mxmumefort User

    mine is USA2 (east coast)
    version 1.6.3
  14. ~*Pinkie*~

    ~*Pinkie*~ User

    Still no start button for me.
    mine is USA2 (east coast)
    version 1.6.3
  15. supmonkey

    supmonkey User

    same us3 here. "error 500" refresh missing start button refresh "error 500" client version 1.6.3
  16. Bones

    Bones User

    look support guys this is out of control i have 3 accounts and NOW ALL 3 ARE BROKEN 2 accounts are missing start option haven't been able to play for 3 days now and NOW MY 3 account i cant change drone formations and i have clock chips and all my clock chips have no clocks left all clocks in my hanger say no charges left ( all 6 50 clocks ) i have wrote support on my 2 accounts that are missing start option and HAVENT HEARD A THING BACK NO ONE KNOWS WHEN they will FIX all my rebate and boosters and permium just wasting AWAY PLEAS fix the DAM GAME

    east servers ALL MY ACCOUNTS
  17. `Djurkz`

    `Djurkz` User

    please help us, fix this game GA4, can`t change drone formation, too much lag. problem: one goes still more need fix...
  18. fix the game lmao
  19. SirThrills

    SirThrills Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Howdy all, issue is being investigated right now, as further info comes through I'll update this thread / Keep an eye on Announcements
  20. mxmumefort

    mxmumefort User

    ok i wont swear... for the love of God please fixing this game its working on 4 days... and whats so funny is the one time i recommend a solution to fix this ridiculous continuing issue, it gets deleted
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