Discussion in 'General Archive' started by -»ĦΘŁŁΘЩ†KΘRPδΣ«-, Oct 30, 2017.

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  1. Games down again and nothing from Devs about a fix nor about some sort of compensation I aswell as probably hundred or thousands of others bought uri the friday helix in advance for Sunday doubles event AND guess what !!game was a big mess from Saturday night up until now>> boosters wasted the reason for my uri purchase is now invalid !!
  2. You can still send sep to ship for free..:D
    neoonoma likes this.
  3. How that has anything to do with the OP's post?
    I sent a ticket to support about compensation for my weekend like you and like many others i bought boosters for the gg double rewards weekend but was unable to do gates, the game on the weekend is a mess nothing works right for many players. I also know some players use a program to do their gates on double gg weekends. Just look at the players jumping into the #1 and 2 positions and soon all top ten positions are all botters and cheaters. Great job keeping bots from the game DO hahahaha. Oh and bans maybe don't worry about it soon the only players going to stay playing DO will be the cheaters cause they can leave for weeks at a time and their bot's just keep pushing them ahead and when they come back they brag to everyone that DO still won't do anything about them.


    ZÿИΛPS™ and neoonoma like this.


    they will the dev team get on top of the job they are so busy mending other stuff then remending wot the thought they mended its a shame really when i started this game in 2009 i lived it dreamed it the lot now never enters my thoughts i just log on and semp up do a gate or 2 then thats it regards once woz a avid DO fan
  6. neoonoma

    neoonoma User

    Dude it's joke (deep sarcasm), don't take it so seriously.
  7. Can not send anything if you can not access the game to sell it.
    The TEAM is not working on anything except the MERGE of servers. They are hoping the NEW platform will rectify the issues they currently have in the game, issue is that there may be nothing left except BOTTERS by the time they get the game fixed.
    ZÿИΛPS™ likes this.
  8. Problem is they still sell stuff like 50% boosters but the game doesn't work for many on the weekend and when we purchase something but don't get to use is cause of all the problem we get nothing from support no refund no extra boosters no nothing i mean if the game doesn't work which it doesn't for many they shouldn't sell it. For starters o bought 50% xp and honor for double gg but when i log in all i get is lagged out kicked from gates kicked from gate spins, and before you start telling me it's my internet or my computer maybe they should ask all the other players that say they are experiencing the exact same thing as me. So therefore it's DO everyweekend now game is unplayable for me. Even tonight i get home log in someone sent me a message i tried to reply to it 4 time when i get half done i get "message system problem must restart and erase everything you just said so you can start again and have it happen again. This sucks i have been playing since 2012 with no problem whatsoever now everytime i log in i feel so ripped off that they allow us to purchase stuff but the game doesn't work.
  9. This is why so many people, including myself, have stopped spending a dime on the game. My play time has been reduced to 45 minutes as at this time I FREEZE in maps and get popped by NPC's before I can move again, re-logging does not reset this timer either, I am done playing for at least 4 hours to finally clear the issue.
  10. LOL i sent a ticket in to support about the game being unplayable for many on the weekends and asked for compensation for my boosters that i couldn't use and i got the same thing i get everytime i send in a ticket. "are you sure your drivers are up to date, have you tried using a different web browser"? Damn if they ever payed attention to who sent the ticket they would know that they have asked those question's to so many players so many times that we get it we check all that stuff before we even send in the ticket. So to me all i understand is their just wasting our time and trying to keep us hanging around to hope we spend a little more money before we quit this game like so many have because their just tired and frustrated with the constant circle DO keeps trying to keep us all in. Like it's pretty pathetic we have to log in to get daily rewards so they can make it look like players are still playing DO.
    OILDAILY and neoonoma like this.
  11. YEP, they gotta make the NEW OWNERS think there is still interest in the game that has been trying to die for the last 3 years. Not that the players want it to die just the constant addition of more crud making it so no one can play the game.
    neoonoma likes this.
  12. Deter

    Deter Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

  13. USA East is down? .....Original post Oct 30 is replied to today?
    neoonoma likes this.
  14. Not any more Deter you may close the post thanks
  15. EvilHotDog

    EvilHotDog User

    Closing as requested
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