Support [TI] The Ignite Ship

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ★Jonnyc1972™[₮ẵ₲.], Dec 26, 2016.

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  1. Well it has happened again. the ignite is for payment and its not working. this is the third time in 1 month. yes support is aware of the issue. is their any new news about it thank you.

    General EIC
    US East 1

    Sorry you can remove the thread. just noticed the other one. from solideye about newyears
  2. Deter

    Deter Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello ★Jonnyc1972™[₮ẵ₲.],

    Yes we have passed up this issue and new notes from other Language Teams also report the same issue currently. This was reported to the Devs and it might have been suggested in discord that they would look at re-running the sale on it in the new year (they're out of the office for the holidays) after they fix whatever the issue is, posted by our Team Leader Solid_Eye.

    Closing as answered/requested.

    Take Care and Happy Holidays.
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