[TI] Vanished modules

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Lithinir, Feb 24, 2022.

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  1. Lithinir

    Lithinir User

    I just loaded up my Solaris with some pretty great modules from Battle Pass, and was having fun with them. After a while, I noticed two of my module slots were empty, so I went into my inventory and they aren't there...

    A few other people have this issue too on my server, GB1/GE5.


    For proof, here is my logbook:

    24.02.2022 - 17:00 Unstable shard was deducted 40 times (40)
    24.02.2022 - 17:00 Restabilized DMG-XV01 and consumed 40 unstable shards. (40)

    The module was 16% NPC damage, 3% honor, and -1% laser hit-chance for Solaris.

    I also lost a +10% HP module for Solaris.
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2022
  2. You should contact support in this case, also include your user ID in this kind of cases
    Lithinir likes this.
  3. Lithinir

    Lithinir User

    Thank you, I have an on-going ticket open with them right now. Hopefully it is resolved soon.
  4. SirThrills

    SirThrills Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Closing - User has contacted support.
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