[UI] MCC, bases and etc

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by EICEnterprice, Jun 1, 2018.

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  1. hi, im glad this thread is open since it is hard to find a place to post all the fundanmental ideas that darkorbit should have.Thanks

    In regards to MCC, its pretty normal that some players would eventually gather to do an MCC. And thats ok, think about this: there are 3 companies, some maybe more powerful than others, but they are just 3 companies with online players. Now with MCC and clan alliances the complexity of diplomacy expands thus improving gameplay. Then what to do?. Simple as company spaceships you should be able to attack company battle stations with the first attack followed by a message asking:are you sure you want to attack this battle station?. This way pilots and clans that dont like MCC or clans allied with other companies could have the plan to attack them; according to this, battlestations of MCC and clans allied with other companies should be isued by the central base of the company as not honourable for the company and thus if a pilot of the company attacks this MCC and clans allied with other companies would not loose any honour points at all. Instead he would gain some honour points depending on the company policy. Thats right, this means the company should also be flexible, not just static.
    In regards to player honour, it would not be lost since that honour is the honour and respect gained through out the galaxy, hence MCC clans and clans allied with other companies would still be listed in the general board of best pilots and clans that would change the name of corporal records to general records. This said MCC and clans allied with other companies would be erased from the company reccords(off course) with no recognition whatsoever. This being said a MCC or a clan alied with other companies positioning themselves in one of the first places of the general board above the best company/companies clans or pilots would be a great strike against this companies or other separate clans.
    About new events and games like spaceball for dark orbit, they may be good for some entertainment, but they do not improve the game quality in any way. So stop thrying to figure out what other game to add and focuss instead in improving gameplay experience. if i wanted to play footbal i just go to the park. As a player you come to play a space game to see spaceiships, wars battle stations, bases(real good bases), a good resourcegathering system,etc.

    in the diferent servers there have always been a company stronger than the others until MCC and clans allied with other companies came. And in some servers some of this companies have been much stronger.

    To further explain the points stated above i am adding information that was meant to reach the dev team of dark orbit directly(some points may repeat because im translating everything but is good enough to reinforce all points stated in this comment):

    x-1 and x-2 maps should have a very good ammount of (permanent) shields or deflectors, misiles and lasers better or equal to those used in battle stations because they are meant to protect newbie pilots comming for the planets. Eliminate demilitarized zones in these maps. Players should help defend bases in this maps and gain honor for doing so.

    x-1 maps should have in their portals smaller but powerful bases to defend the newbies(bases built by the company). Also with (permanent) shields or deflectors, lasers, misiles.

    x-2 maps should have in their portals small and powerful bases according to the company to defend newbies as well.

    These bases should not be modular like battle stations but integrated with buildings and parking zones for spacecrafts(limited), buildings with rooms for spacepilots and crews. With this i mean, when you park your ship with a button, you can enable the other buttons the base ofers you, so the room button would allow you to see the other players parked in the base and avaliable information of the base like small hourly reports about enemies near the base, also daily reports about enemy attacks on the base and type of enemies. These bases should also be able to mark and attack spaceships with cloack since this bases are controlled by a crew, be it human, cyborg or alien(allies perhaps).
    These bases should not be modular like battle stations but integrated with buildings and parking zones for spacecrafts(limited), buildings with rooms for spacepilots and crews. With this i mean, when you park your ship with a button, you can enable the other buttons the base ofers you, so the room button would allow you to see the other players parked in the base and avaliable information of the base like small hourly reports about enemies near the base, also daily reports about enemy attacks on the base and type of enemies. These bases should also be able to mark and attack spaceships with cloack since this bases are controlled by a crew, be it human, cyborg or alien(allies perhaps).
    These bases should not be modular like battle stations but integrated with buildings and parking zones for spacecrafts(limited), buildings with rooms for spacepilots and crews. With this i mean, when you park your ship with a button, you can enable the other buttons the base ofers you, so the room button would allow you to see the other players parked in the base and avaliable information of the base like small hourly reports about enemies near the base, also daily reports about enemy attacks on the base and type of enemies. These bases should also be able to mark and attack spaceships with cloack since this bases are controlled by a crew, be it human, cyborg or alien(allies perhaps).
    These bases should not be modular like battle stations but integrated with buildings and parking zones for spacecrafts(limited), buildings with rooms for spacepilots and crews. With this i mean, when you park your ship with a button, you can enable the other buttons the base ofers you, so the room button would allow you to see the other players parked in the base and avaliable information of the base like small hourly reports about enemies near the base, also daily reports about enemy attacks on the base and type of enemies. These bases should also be able to mark and attack spaceships with cloack since this bases are controlled by a crew, be it human, cyborg or alien(allies perhaps).
    These bases should not be modular like battle stations but integrated with buildings and parking zones for spacecrafts(limited), buildings with rooms for spacepilots and crews. With this i mean, when you park your ship with a button, you can enable the other buttons the base ofers you, so the room button would allow you to see the other players parked in the base and avaliable information of the base like small hourly reports about enemies near the base, also daily reports about enemy attacks on the base and type of enemies. These bases should also be able to mark and attack spaceships with cloack since this bases are controlled by a crew, be it human, cyborg or alien(allies perhaps).

    These bases should not be modular like battle stations but integrated with buildings and parking zones for spacecrafts(limited), buildings with rooms for spacepilots and crews. With this i mean, when you park your ship with a button, you can enable the other buttons the base ofers you, so the room button would allow you to see the other players parked in the base and avaliable information of the base like small hourly reports about enemies near the base, also daily reports about enemy attacks on the base and type of enemies. These bases should also be able to mark and attack spaceships with cloack since this bases are controlled by a crew, be it human, cyborg or alien(allies perhaps). Of course the parking space in secondary bases would be limited depending on size.

    x-3 and x-4 maps should have in their portals battle station modules depending on the company of the map and built by the corresponding company with temporal shields or reflectors to help defend the company, and if there is an enemy battlestation in these maps(like enemy company or battlestation of all companies) and also this enemy clan or enemy company destroy the modules the company had built in each portal of these maps then the company does not rebuild these modules until the enemy battle station is eliminated from the map.

    For the maps of the new universe (different from x-8) demilitarization zone must be eliminated. if you think ships would go unprotected then add another battlestation to this maps, then there would be more protection for ships, if off course the battle station is part of the company, not MCC or clans allied with other companiaes.

    Main bases should also show information about the ammount of ships in-base, the wars the company is waging, wars or conflicts per zones and also diplomacy with other civilizations.

    You must enable other portal in x-2 maps in order to allow space pilots to access the resources that are close to the planet of origin of the company wheather it be venus, earth or mars. These maps would have big asteroids moving from one side of the map to the other (they appear in one side, and disappear in the other being replaced by a long chain of asteroids). Space pilots should be able to mine these asteroids(which have plenty of resources) . Ships would mine these resources at a rate of 1 cargo bay space every 2 seconds, for resources of prometid and duranium. Dark orbit is meant to be the fight for resources, then it is logical to think powerful companies like mmo, vru and eic should have access to these resources. This would also allow players who dont give cash into the game to get ready a starfighter and/or battle cruiser for fight and to help protect the company via credits. As this game is about space battles between companies, factions and alien civilizations; each company should have resource backup that can sponsor the battle the companies are waging, else the war would not be profitable. This right here is meant to be the main objective, the fight for resources.

    Taken into account the point stated above, who are the companies fighting against for resources? well, its other companies, alien civilizations and pirates. Then it is clear that aliens should not be the resources, but the enemies you are fighting against for resources. Yes aliens have resources they carry as well as maybe some uridium but the main income of resources for companies should be the source of these resources that they should harness to have a good economic basis for battle and space stations(bases/battlestations-spaceships). Most of the aliens in the game are supposed to be intelligent hence they should behave intelligently, for example, recruit steuners, aider steuners should attack only when they havve enough fire power to attack. Also igf this civilizations are constantly attacked by vru,mmo, eic,etc their number should decrease. And if there are many aliens in a map they should at least have a base in that map where they have strategic defense and attack plans. Or if they are not intelligent aliens probably like lokardia they can go in herds but you should see them comming from the back in rows. Aliens like lokardia, and saimon could have or build hives in the maps they reside like defence outposts.These hives can be very strong and have defences depending on the intelligence of the species. Kristalons from what ive read on missions are meant to be very intelligent since they gave humans space portals. Hence the can also very very strong kristallon like hives with very good defences as they are very intelligent(in maps they are present), also their defence and attack should be very strategic. If a kristallon is attacked then all kristallons should help defend it, as well as brighted kristallons and kristallins, this way they would destroy any enemy ship very quickly.why? because they are meant to be a very intelligent species.
    But then most of the aliens would be very hard to kill. Yes they would be very hard to kill and thats the idea. These alien civilizations are mant to be the rivals of the companies along with the other companies for the control over resources, aliens are not meant to be the resources themselves.

    Adicionally,further away maps should be created with alien hives and/or bases with meteors. These meteors should cross the map(appear on une side, disappear on the other and be followed by other different meteors that replace them). This meteors should contain the precious resource that is exchanged for uridium, or in the case it is not pure enough it would be exchanged for laser ammo or if is very contaminated a small ammount of credits. These meteors would also be mined by spaceships obtaining 1 of the resource for the cargo storage every 5 seconds. Nevertheless this meteors are not always filled with the resource, sometimes the come with plenty resource, a small bunch of the resource or none at all. This resource would be the same resource gathered by the light-blue boxes around the maps, hence this boxes should be changed to log like conglomerates(boxes are very unrealistic) and this meteors would be fog-like meteors of the same color deppending on the ammount of the [fog-like] resource they have. These meteors are very important in the sense that uridium is the most important monetary asset in the game, hence there must be a resource which should be exchanged for it.

    To be able to mine, the spaceship should be equipped with an extra worth 10000uridium.

    Also consider to make a starfighter with 400 speed, 20000 hp, 10 generators and 9 lasers worth 5000000 credits in order to allow players who dont pay have a starfighter to support the team in battle.

    In mission control, challenges are ok but Normal missions and Daily missions are awkward in the sense that the mission itself does not really result in the description of the mission or does not really help in the fight for resources, alliens or companies. For example, missions to destroy aliens in order to clear the way do not really happen as right now aliens are infinite, so the idea is that these missions go along with the description itself. so if there is a mission to attack aliens make it really worth what is described in the mission or at least have the chance to be worth it. You should also add special missions guided by the flexibility and leadership of central control of the company deppending on its policy and how strong the company is in regards to MCC and clans allied with other companies so that the main company may issue strikes to these clans thus using its own clans to attack theseMCC and clans allied with other companies through misssions, or if these MCC and clans allied with other companies are vary strong then do missions like go hiden and place a bomb in one of the modules, hence the misson may or may not go successful as MCC and clans allied with other company members could check the module and deactivate bomb. These bombs would cost arround 1000000 uri and in the missions would be sponsored by the company, in other words the company assumes the costs of these weapons and covert opperations.
    Also missions should not in any way be the same for companies and the pilots of each company as the should be dinamically changing according to the gameplay of the server.
    Adicionally all spacecrafts must be made based on the piranha as a starfighter with a tripullation of 2 spacepilots. Twho seats, one behind the front seat. These seats have a very good space for the pilots. It should be added rescue missions and missions to send crew to other bases. According to this spaceships should have an additional characteristic as follows:

    This list mentions the additional maximum crew guests the ship can transpor(appart from the crew needed to manage the ship):
    bigboy solemn-crew:15
    .... and so on for all the other ships depending on the rooms they have avaliable appart from rooms for the main crew, cargo room, cabin, engineering room and so on.

    Furthermore main bases(x-1,X-8) must have a maximum of 2 hangars for player in each base. This means main bases must have colosal buildings for all ships of the company and maybe even extend this maps with a bigger one or anotherone nearby around the planet. For additional hangars the player would have to pay a fee of 20000 uridium. The other ships the player has are parked in the main planet of the company, be it venus, earth or mars. Players can exchange the ships they have on earth for ships on the main base only in the map x-1, which means bring the ship from the planet to the base and send 1 ship from the base to the planet. This must signify taxes cost for the player of around 120000 credits deppending also on company policy(flexible). In other wors players can still have all the ships they want, but the ships will only be avaliable where the player is and the ships they have parked in that base, so they can park another ship in the other base and bring-return ships from base-planet as they wish.

    Even furthermore clans should be able to create their own base(different from battle stations) with a good defence system which costs many credits or very good defence system which costs uridium. with cannon lasers, missiles and a whole range of weapons. The base would be an integrated building with a section for shield or deflector generator for the whole base, multiple hangars the clan would use as and organize they wish, a section for central control of the base(where you can see base information, nearby enemies) clan rooms(where you would see clan information of all kind including diplomacy and relationship with the main company), special rooms for leaders that they can enable for other members of the clan as they wish, special reparation room for ships, special building room for technology, and room for guests. This rooms would work with the same button system mentioned before, hence they would only be enabled when the spaceship is parked. The base would work autonomously(has its own crew) as well as can be controlled by any clan member with the authorization to use any of this sections by the leader. This bases would have a big range of fire power( 3/4,2/1 more than battle stations deppending on the weapons system) as well as a bigger radar. The basic base would cost around 500000uridium. Additional hangars with more rooms and more space for weapon systems would cost an aditional 1000000 uridium. The construction of the base would be authorised by the company with a maximum of three of this bases per map, having only jurisdiction to authorize this bases in maps controlled by the company. MCC and clans allied with other companies would build their bases independantly with the same rule of 3 bases per map, and as battle stations this bases could be issued a target by the main company. Normal clans could also build their bases independantly if they were to do so in a map out of the jusrisdiction of the company or they were to build the base in a dangerous map or enemy map, in this case they wouldnt have the company certificate. These bases should be off course stationary and they could also have different designs worth around 200000 uridium and 300000 uridium.
    This bases should also have outer parking for guest ships that members of the clan could also use. The clan members could also enable any hangar/hangars they like for guests.

    Main bases and bases in the portals would also have outer parkings for spaceships comming by. So ships should request permission to park in a special chat, and unauthorized ships would have hangar dors or small dors for the crew to enter base closed, or in the worst case shot at.

    Clan bases as company bases including main base should have hitpoints as they got shields, weapons and deflectors. Mainbases a lot of hitpoints off course and clan bases much more hitpoints than battlestations and better weapons system even the credit based syste of weapons. In comparison to battlestations, clan bases and company bases would not be destroyed buy hitting a single part or section of the base but if they are hit in one section all the other sections would still be working just fine.

    The issue of many bases in a map is not an issue as there are more maps like meteor maps and the asteroid maps which are bigger. Also there must be new maps with very few resources like just small rocks of the basic resources like in x-1 maps. These maps are close to planets and have alien bases that communicate with these planest. deppenging on the diplomacy of the company you can trade stuff in these bases, that may very well be military or just merchandise bases. Then for each planet taken in consideration there would be varius maps(like 3 maps). These bases off course would also have wapons, shields/deflectors, alien weapons and hitpoints. These bases could also have pirats which could be a mix of uman and other alien races.

    The modular bases on x-3 and x-4 maps placed by the company would have the same weapons as battlestations and would be 5 modules, 4 weapons 1 repair module with, as mentioned before with temporary deflectors.

    Players must also be able to trade in main bases the ships they have and the equipment, and all resources they have including basic resources to other players as they can set the price they deside in exchange for uridium, other resources, other ships and so on.This is a must as there are the elements the player have collected for years or months and is their right to do so. They can also trade all this things with allied or neutral alien civilizations except for spaceships. Log-discs should also be tradeable. Old an new resources also. The fog like resource that you exchange for uridium should also be tradeable. Botiquin keys should also be tradeable with players and alien civilizations.

    The fog like resource should be used to do the special munition MCB-25, MCB-50,UCB-100,RSB-75 and all the special misiles, mines and other similar type of ammo which cost uridium. To do so it is required a special lab like those belonging to the companies in the main planets and main bases. Clan bases can also produce this type of ammo in their clan bases laboratory but it will require uridium costly updates of 200000uridium and levels of development, also the manufacturing of any of this munition would take some time and could just create 1 at a time, to create different types of ammunition at the same type you would require more labs in the clan base which means more uridium spent for more labs(same as hangars). But once you have the right laboratory and the fog like resource of good quality you can start producing the munition. It takes time to produce while the laboratory purifies the resource and then the production continues to its final stage. It should also require a small ammount of electronics which cost a small ammount of credits and can be bought(and sold) at main base and trading bases. Alien bases would offer different types of electronics.

    As stated above in main bases of the corporation players can trade, so there must be some rooms left only for trading too.

    for maps x-1 restrictions to resource gathering should be completly eliminated to any player no matter its level, if they want to gather a little resources in that base i dont see the problem, pluss is normal to see a main base full of ships. Also mainbases (x-1,x-8) must have a greater range than all the others stated of about 5 times that of battle stations(specially missiles).

    For bases make the lasers look cannon like and let missiles be fired from compartmentalized structures with different doors that open when a misile is fired in that compartment.So you would have multiple compartments firing missiles. And off course that deppends on the base and for clan bases deppends on the investment done on weapon systems.

    Also remove restriction on new pleyers and low levels on accessing far away maps. Any ship should be able to access any map whatsoever. If you want a restriction, what better restriction than a pirahna facing a full iris venom. or a nostromo facing a battle station/clan base or company base. Space travel is meant to be dangerous and an adventure.

    The warniing hig level radietion when moving away of a map must also be removed. Change it instead with map elements like the ones used in the ultimate battle arena, only that this are invisible and place them 4 goliath lenght away from the border of the map so that when a ship moves further away from the map gives the illusion it is going through space and when it returns to the map only have to move four goliath lenght to return to the map.

    Create other map(s) that have space portals close to stars, there you can use warning for solar radiation, for solar flares and coronal mass ejection.

    Create other maps with meteors(can have resources) that have electromagnetic anomalies that sometimes interfere with the ship instrumentation.

    Clan base deflectors should be able to stay up a full week and have like an hour down for mantainance and re-charging. These reflectors nevertheless when they are up they can go overwhelmed with a hit of 1500000 and reduce its balance, more constant incomming fires would shut down the reflector temporarilly half a minute while it reestablish its balance. Taking into account the different weapons systems would have their own shield as well as the sections of the base(not modles like battlestations) all pawered by the generator section of the base.

    Space gates must have half the hp of the main bases with a shield of its own. The space gate circle must be sectioned so you can target any part of the space-gate. And as base clans are much more stronger than battle stations so are space gates compared to base clans.

    in the event that a company base is destroyed in x-2 maps the enemies of the company can place modular stations like battle stations but just 5 modules. Battle sttations in space gates sdont get destroyed by hitting a single target but all modules must be destroyed as this modules feed off the gate energy.

    in the event a space gate is destroyed, new teleportation technology is arriving in extras that already is avaliable. Also if there is no galaxy gate, no modules can be placed. partial destruction of a saction of a galaxy gate can make teleportation through the gate slower. complete destruction seen in a section of the gate makes it completly useless from that side as seen in 5-1 map with the destroyed gate. Nevertheless that section can be rebuilt by the company using the same policy as company modules placed on x3 and x-4 maps.

    In the event of heavy war and big battles on x-2 maps which would lead to the systemmatic destruction of x-2 company bases(less probable) and clan bases(max. 3 if there are any) as well as the destruction of lokardia hives and steuner base(s) (dont leave them behind) that map can be occuppied and war would lead to the x-1 map, destroying the portal base and going for the main base. As the companies are not static an the planet has defense systems if the base is compromised, advanced misiles can be launched from the planet to destroy all the ships arround a range of somewhat less than half map range(missile explosion range) including powerful ships. This also can apply to alien space bases close to their planets deppending on how powerful these alien civilizations are they use similar planetary defense systems like giant lasers comming from the planet which would only destroy 1 ship at a time per 1 hit and damage close ships in the surroundings. These kind of scenario is very unprobable since company bases and portals are very strong and it would require a big player team(a whole company) with the strongest ships and the resources(and money) to make clan bases to mantain conter attack and keep pushing into the enemy as well as the best ammo and coordination. The other possible scenario is a strong alien attack like kristallon attack very coordinated nevertheless even for them is hard to do. at best they can coordinate a good attack against a clan base and face many losses. or an attack against a battle station. Battle station deflectors should also be overwhelmed the same way as clan base deflectors. battle stations would be easier targets for alien civilizations. Nevertheless a very far away alien civilization could have such devastating results. Such kind of results in the main bases of any company or alien civilitation could should bring the attention of the company(as it is flexible) and position offencive company bases in the x-2 map invaded or x-1 map invaded. For main bases and bases, while weapons systems can be destroyed many sections of the base can be taken instead of destroyed. They can be taken by players by sending cres, constant crews to take the base. when a main base is taken(probably jsut alien base) it can be used as plataform for players to constantly bring troops to that base, and from that base the crews are launched with small vessles to try and take the planet, which is not probable or partially possible.

    special bombs that cost 1000000 uri can also be avaliable for players, nevertheless they cost too much, nevertheless companies can use it as means to fight MCC and clans allied with other companies, this bomb would erradicate a module regardless of its shield. there can also bee less expensive bombs that do the same. They could also be used against MCC and clans allied with other companies by the company itself through missions. If the pilots(because this mission should be done by varius pilots as protective measures) deside to steal the bomb and take it to themselves, the company would target them as enemies instantl, and the players who stole it could also use it. Thus, important for the main company to be careful with these missions and make them covert and not public.

    also MCC and clans allied with other companies would no longer have the right for main base hangars nor outer hangars in the other company bases. they would have to park their ships out in the open or in their clan base if they have.

    For the rule of 3 bases in a map(max), main bases are not included, bases in portals are not included and battle stations and modules in portals are niether included. Nevertheless alien hives and bases are included.

    Also if hitac cruiser spaceships need to cross the space and they knwo it is dangerous, at least they should go accompanied by other hitacs(3 min) when crossing space, and when they cross space no need to continue crossing the same portals over and over again, they come and go like any ship traveling

    DarkOrbit wont improve any further if these points are not implemented.

    you can make space volleyball, space basketball, space marathon and that wont improve DarkOrbit in any way. It may be good for a game called space minigames, but as for darkorbit that does not improve gameplay.

    Now you know, graphics are fair enough already, no need to upgrade them, no more minigames as content, dont spend time doing fancy videos, just improve gameplay experience.
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2018
    Odin® likes this.
  2. Deter

    Deter Board Administrator Team Darkorbit


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