[UI] Merge Notifications

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ]Coldheart[, Sep 12, 2018.

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  1. This is for use with multiple servers, whether it is the current merges, or, a new activity that is performed at some point in the future.

    In the notification post, use a cluster-like list.
    For example, in a previous merge, GB2 and GB1 were affected. Later, another server was merged into the same cluster that GB1 and GB2 were in. Then later again, another server was merged into a server that was already in this cluster. Each time a new server was/is merged into a server already in the cluster, it affects more than the two servers being announced as being merged.

    However, as the cluster 'grows' it can be difficult to recall what servers are there and stand to be in the downtime that is in the post.
  2. Deter

    Deter Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hiya ]Coldheart[,

    This is something I'm currently working with on the side unofficially. Hope to have something set soon.
  3. Deter

    Deter Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

  4. Yes. Seen it. Thank you Deter.

    I really do appreciate the work that went in to this.

    However, I was hoping to have seen a chart more similar to this (below) for the merges.

    _server A_
    ................|_server A__________
    _server B_|..................................|
    ......................................................... |
    -server C_ .........................................|
    _server D_|__server E____________|_server E__
    _server E_|

    _server F_
    .................|_server server F__
    _server G_|..............................|
    ................................................|_____server I__
    _server H_ ..............................|
    _server I_ |..............................|
    ............... |__ server I_______|
    _server J_|
    _server K_|


    This way is it much easier to see that when another merge occurs,
    all previous servers are affected and not accessible as well.
    When the furthest most right 'server I' is being merged into, servers F, G, H, I, J and K are down and cannot be logged in to.

    Sorry, the text does not get transferred well.
    I had to use dots to attempt a line up.
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2018