[UI] PET HP Link

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by coobo99, Apr 27, 2020.

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  1. coobo99

    coobo99 User

    This HP Link is severely overpowered.
  2. Deter

    Deter Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello coobo99,

    Is there something you wish to see a change in? Perhaps a percentage or buff/nerf for the item that concerns you? Please try to provide a few more helpful thoughts about the issue.
  3. coobo99

    coobo99 User

    Well, I completely missed the event where I could have gotten it. I took a 2 year break from the game. Been catching up in the last month or so. I'm not sure what the HP Link really consists of. I wouldn't know what to nerf or buff. Obviously my fault for not looking it up, but I made this post at 9:25 AM after being destroyed constantly for about an hour trying to figure out how to counter the HP link. I was also in the middle of pulling an all-nighter.

    What I gathered was the PET takes all of the damage that would normally be directed to the player's ship. The only way to disable the HP link is to pop the pet - which is incredibly difficult when you set your pet up to not get popped. I'm also relatively sure the pet can still attack during the link?
    There might also be a slight damage decrease in the player's ship who has activated the HP link? Not sure on that one.

    If anything I have said is true or close to, I would propose the following:
    HP Link disables the ability of the PET to attack in any form during its activation and 20 seconds after it has been disengaged
    An EMP or uncloaking mine by either side disables the HP Link for 5 seconds
    If the HP Link were to be activated while the PET has Kami-level HP, then the PET will Kami upon destruction of either the player or the PET
    - The above is assuming any damage to the player's ship is transferred to the PET until the PET is destroyed
    Last bit - The PET only moves slightly (Random movements to avoid easy lock, but in a small radius) while the HP Link is activated. It does not move with the player and the HP Link is only active within the PET's radar. Damage mines do not affect the PET if detonated on the player or PET; however, Smart Bombs are still in play
  4. Make this Gear available for everyone again even if it's only trough an Event! (I would prefer to have it in the shop for Uri because it is way to overpowered to not have it!!)

    Those who don't have it yet want and should get a new chance to get it, because the HP-link is OP!!

    Every chance of winning a fight against a player who has it is 0 when you don't have it yourself because it gives you up to 250k HP on top of your own not to mention when you have shield on your pet it can tank even more... It breaks PVP
  5. coobo99

    coobo99 User

    I feel my fixes will make it a little easier to deal with players who have it against the players who don't.
    At the current moment, unless the player you are up against is SIGNIFICANTLY weaker than you, you really have 0 chance of beating any person who has the HP link if you don't.
  6. tibstar

    tibstar User

    coobo99 if a weaker player has this Gear like myself i have a chance of beating you
  7. coobo99

    coobo99 User

    I think that validates the point I'm trying to make. Any player with the Link can, with few exceptions, beat any player without it.
  8. tibstar

    tibstar User

    WOW. I can beat any player, with a few exceptions, beacuse i have the pet HP link gear. What a statement
  9. people will allways cry if they don't have what other dedicated players do have ... just wait till it get's back in shop or as a reward on battlepas or another event. in meantime , you can use your kamikaze , which people with hp-link kcannot do that due to full hp on their pet
  10. coobo99

    coobo99 User

    The HP Link adds 200k HP and you think Kami is an advantage? 75k is barely a x4 shot now-a-days.
    You have to understand how much of an advantage this thing gives makes it an item everyone should have access to all of the time. If it were a 5 second shield that the PET made to limit the amount of damage your ship took, an equal strength player without the gear would still have a chance to win. But it's not. It's an ISH that lasts 20 seconds.
    It gives any player an incredible edge. It's like taking a goliath and pinning it against a second goliath that now has a Citadel's HP and shield.