Why do I keep getting kicked??

Discussion in 'General Issues' started by RaptorXXI, Jun 30, 2023.

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  1. RaptorXXI

    RaptorXXI User

    I go to log in -- Captcha verification. No problem. --> Login
    I go to my hangar to swap ships to complete GG -- Captcha verification. Ok. --> Back to Login
    Go to GG to spin. I get a "Something went wrong" message. Ugh. --> Restart --> Back to Login
    Login --> Captcha. Really?! --> Login
    Back to GG to spin. "Something went wrong" --> Reload --> Back to Login --> Captcha AGAIN --> Login --> GG to spin --> Lather, rinse, repeat.

    This is getting irritating.

    Is the system just freakishly suspicious of a daily player?
  2. Well if you are like me and most others, you click the materializer with rapid fire. There has been issues related to the hanger unfortunately, especially if you were in game when you went to it, but it does not sound like that is the case with you. I also don't get the Captcha too often, especially while logging in.
  3. SirThrills

    SirThrills Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello @RaptorXXI ,

    We are unable to provide any details around the captcha system - unfortunately we only get the same info that you do regarding it, so there is no remedy we know of to stop consistent captcha popups other than to keep doing them.