[GI] Extra schism from Alpha gate?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by BraveHeart´[G], Mar 22, 2022.

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  1. I read in a recent official announcement here on the forum that the alpha gate dropped an additional 30 something schism if completed during specific events (if it was red/blue bootybox and apocalyps event, I don't remember).

    Could anyone confirm this or share the link to the appropriate post?

    Kind Regards, M
  2. Baldur4

    Baldur4 User

    that's not gonna happen mate
  3. It drops 5-10 schism during booty box events
    I suppose this is the post you were looking for: https://board-en.darkorbit.com/thre...pha-on-special-booty-days.127479/#post-965223
    It seems there was a mistake in the referred darksilver pirate FAQ and it means Kuiper gate can drop 25-30 schism which it does during those days
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2022
  4. after the changes in the portals, even with the announcement, there was an error that has not been fixed and to this day with incorrect information about the schisms in the ALPHA portal for 30 schisms

    I have reported it several times but to no avail
  5. Oh I see, thanks for the replies guys
  6. SirThrills

    SirThrills Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Thanks for assisting the OP,

    Hello @BraveHeart´[G] ,

    Do you have any further questions or can we close?
  7. You can close SirThrills, though maybe this mistake could be corrected?
  8. SirThrills

    SirThrills Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Closing as requested, we will pass along the request to see if we can have it updated
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