Salvage CORE ?

Discussion in 'Technical Event Issues' started by R.I.P_BSGO_InFlames_, Apr 7, 2023.

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  1. Is there any information about the Rescue Cores, do they have a limit on the amount collected in the warehouse?
    And if there is, what is it?
    The question is that I suffered enough with the Endocrine Accelerator until you inform us that there is a set limit. I don't want this to happen again with the Cores, I hope you understand what it is about.
  2. Just like the abr am full atm but BP doesn't give enough iac to use any of the abr so each time I pick some abr up it says I don't have enough space for anymore.
  3. once upon the time already have 2 stack's ABR by max and second was only from quests and events its possible to take it but they fix that , and i dont know this possible again
    I-ac is another time cant take any up from limit
  4. SirThrills

    SirThrills Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

  5. do you see any answer to my question or im blind, i think you cant see too ...
    DefenderOfMMO likes this.
  6. SirThrills

    SirThrills Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

  7. There is a limit though shown in last post.

    Please note the following limits:
    - Indoctrine Accelerator has a maximum limit of 3,000
    - The maximum limit for ABR is raised from 3,000 to 10,000
    I myself don't know how they come up with the limit my one account has more than 10k abr and not enough IAC to bring it below the limit cause when your equipment gets higher than lvl 18 the IAC required takes 2 events per 1 lvl of upgrade, probably to tease some players into purchasing the IAC as before BP is pay to win even if you run a bot or not!!!